Practice Areas

Employment Law

Your California Employment claim Attorney

4 essential FAQs when searching for an Employment Law attorney in san diego

Man seated behind a desk in a supervisory role, symbolizing a boss potentially violating California wage and hour law by not adhering to the state's requirements.

Safeguarding Your Employment Rights in San Diego

Understanding your rights in the workplace is crucial, and if these rights are violated, you might be entitled to significant compensation. At Goldfaden Benson, we focus our practice on a range of employment law issues, ensuring professional relationships between employers, co-workers, and other parties are maintained. We provide guidance through complex legal processes, ensuring you receive fair remedies for your losses.

Comprehensive Employment Law Services

As Employment Law Attorneys in San Diego, our team at Goldfaden Benson is dedicated to providing top notch service in various employment law matters. Whether your case is straightforward or complex, we offer personalized service and attention, ensuring all major aspects of your case are handled effectively.

Types of Employment Law Damages

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean wage in San Diego county is $34.17.  Any southern California resident can tell you, that’s barely enough to get by, so ensuring your rights outside of your wage are protected is vital. In employment law cases, you might be eligible for different types of damages, including back pay, front pay, fringe benefits, tax compensation, economic damages, compensatory damages, and punitive damages. The availability of these damages varies based on the specifics of your case, and our experienced attorneys can help you understand which apply to your situation. Getting the right employment law attorney in San Diego is critical to achieving the best outcome in your case. 

How a San Diego Labor Law Lawyer Can Assist You

Handling an employment dispute alone can be overwhelming. Our San Diego employment law attorneys can assist you by reviewing your case, researching relevant laws, gathering necessary information and evidence, and formulating a solid legal strategy. We can handle negotiations and interactions with agencies like the EEOC, ensuring your rights are fully protected.

Understanding Employment Law

Employment law governs the rights and responsibilities between employees and employers, including aspects like workplace safety, working hours, and wages. These laws vary at the federal, state, and local levels, and are essential for fair business operations. Our attorneys are well-versed in these laws and can guide you through any disputes or questions you may have.

Common Employment Law Issues and Disputes

Our team handles a variety of employment law issues, including employment discrimination, harassment and workplace conduct, wage disputes, hours and overtime, employment benefits, workplace safety, family and medical leave, and wrongful termination. Each area has its own set of complexities, and we can assist you in navigating these issues effectively.

Contact Goldfaden Benson for Expert Legal Assistance

If you’re facing employment law issues in San Diego or Southern California, don’t hesitate to contact Goldfaden Benson at 619-333-5100. Our team is committed to understanding your situation and providing empathetic care and personalized guidance. Call us for a free, no-obligation consultation at 619-333-5100 to discuss your employment case.

San Diego Employment Law Attorney - 4 FAQs

1. When to Contact an Attorney: As soon as you’re aware of a violation impacting you. Early consultation ensures you don’t miss critical filing deadlines.

2. How do I prepare for the consultation? Bring a detailed account of the violation, relevant documents, and any questions you have. We’ll handle evidence preparation and case strategy.

3. What is the case resolution timeline? Each case is unique; the resolution time varies based on complexity and parties involved. We work to ensure a smooth legal process.

4. What are remedies beyond financial compensation? Legal action can lead to workplace changes, policy improvements, reinstatement of positions, and more, benefiting the entire organization.

About Goldfaden Benson

Our San Diego law firm is committed to providing top-tier legal advocacy for our clients. Contact our experienced personal injury and employment lawyers today for your first free consultation at 619-333-5100, and let us help you navigate your employment law challenges.

"Laws should be like clothes. They should be made to fit the people they serve."

Clarence Darrow

plan of action

know your rights

If you have been wronged by your employer and are unsure of whether or not you are entitled to recovery, contact our office immediately for a free case evaluation. 

We are happy to hear from you. 


Evaluate your situation

Our comprehensive case evaluation will ensure you understand your options and are aware of all available resources.



We will negotiate with the opposing party on your behalf, keeping you informed along the way.


Fight For You in Court

If needed, we will file a lawsuit on your behalf and advocate in your best interest every step of the way.

we are here for you. always.

Please contact our office immediately to discuss taking your case. 

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Goldfaden Benson injury attorneys San Diego California

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